Divya Asmarihar Ras
Divya asmarihar ras is ayurvedic medicine of Baba Ramdev’s divya pharmacy.This herbal remedy is very effective if person suffers from kidney stone problem.Basically,This medicine helps to pass out the stone through urinary path by breaking it into very tiny particles.
This medicine is very effective in case of renal stone.However,this medicine also gives relief from burning sensation feel in urinary path or during pass out the urine.Divya asmarihar ras is in the form of powder and also helps to remove the deposited toxins substance from the body.However,This medicine is also beneficial in various types of urinary disorders.
Product Size:50gm
Benefits Of Divya Asmarihar Ras
This ayurvedic product is effective in following problems:
- Divya Asmarihar Ras is one the best herbal remedy for renal stones,it helps to break stone into very small tiny particles and pass out through the urine path
- Divya Asmarihar Ras is also beneficial in various types of urine problems
- Divya Asmarihar Ras helps to give relief if person feel burning sensation or feel pain during exertion of urine
- Divya Asmarihar Ras Helps to remove the deposited toxins from the body
- Divya Asmarihar Ras is useful in urinary tract infections
- Divya Asmarihar Ras is effective product for gall bladder stone
- Divya Asmarihar Ras decrease the chances of the formation of further stones
- Divya Asmarihar Ras is known for its ability of dissolving calculi
- Divya Asmarihar Ras is very useful product for kidney infections
- Divya Asmarihar Ras if use regularly with perfect dosage than sometime patient get permanent relief and stop the tendency of stone formation
- Divya Asmarihar Ras is also beneficial for oedema
- Divya Asmarihar Ras prevents any types of urinary infection because it makes clear and infected free path for urine
Divya Asmarihar Ras Dosage
To be taken on empty stomach in the morning and in the evening at about 6-7 0′ clock, either followed by ‘Asmari-har Kwath’ or fresh water
1-2 gm., twice a day
Divya Asmarihar Ras Ingredients
- Yavkkshar (Potassium carbonate) – 350 mg
- Hazrool-yahood bhasm – 200 mg
- Kalmi shora (Aluminium chloride) – 50 mg
- Mulikshar (Salt of Raddish) – 250 mg
- Shwet Parpati – 150 mg
Therapeutic Uses
- Divya Asmarihar Ras is in powder form and very beneficial for kidney stone problems.However,This medicine dissolves the deposited calculi and than pass out through the path of urine.Divya Asmarihar ras have tendency to stop the formation of stones.
- It is very effective medicine if person feel burning sensation during pass out the urine.It helps to give relief from this problem and gives infection free urine path and remove the deposited toxin substance from the body
Health Tips
- Always drink more water and try to avoid those exerciser which causes too much sweat.Drinking of more water helps to remove the toxins substance from the body.
- Eat healthy diet like diary food and coconut water is also very effective for the body
- Stop taking alcohol and those drugs which directly or indirectly affect the kidney
- Try to reduce the amount of salt in diet
- Try to avoid or limited use of the sea food in case of kidney stone
Food Tips:
- Avoid unhealthy food and eat fresh and well balanced diets in case of kidney stone you should take less salt and magnessium
- You can drink apple juice it is very beneficial for the body
- You can add lemon to the water it shows great results and very effective if person suffers from kidney stone problem
- Eating more carbohydrate is also good for the body
Yoga Suggestion:
To get relief from kidney stone problem you can do following poses.These yoga poses are very effective.
- Restorative Pose
- Breathing pose
These are very simple yoga poses and can be easily done by anyone
Product Of Swami Ramdev’s Divya Pharmacy
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