Dabur Siddha Makardhwaj Special Tablet is purely an Ayurvedic medicine which is manufactured by Dabur India Limited to seek relief from mental and physical weakness, stress and to rejuvenate the body.
Dabur Siddha Makardhwaj Special Tablet Benefits
- It helps to boost the immune system and to improve the immunity.
- It acts as a rejuvenator.
- It helps to improve the strength.
- It helps to improve the staminator and provides stamina all over the day.
- It is very useful in the treatment of fatty liver disorder.
- It helps to treat asthma.
- It helps to fight against the chronic respiratory disorders.
- It helps to cure tiredness and weakness.
- It is very useful in aphrodisiac and convalescent therapy.
- It helps to cure erectile dysfunction.
- It helps to cure impotency naturally.
- It helps to cure sexual disorders.
- It helps to look younger as it is anti-ageing.
- It helps to treat premature ejaculation efficiently and effectively.
- It helps to make a person strong and to overcome sexual weakness.
- It is very useful in the treatment of any sorts of brain, lung, heart and intestine disorders naturally.
- It helps to cure illness efficiently.
- It helps to cure general debility.
- It is very useful in the treatment of Syphilis, deep seated abscesses, boils etc.
- It helps to relieve the complicated fever easily.
- It helps to improve poor appetite efficiently.
- It helps to relieve the Loss of taste.
- It helps to cure Stomach ache which is caused due to indigestion etc.
- It helps to treat Back ache, Chest pain and other pains etc.
- It helps to treat Breathlessness.
- It is useful for the treatment of Tuberculosis.
- It helps to cure Skin diseases easily and naturally.
- It helps to stimulate sexual desires.
- It helps to treat piles, sinus etc.
- It helps to sort throat problems.
- It helps to cure Chronic diarrhea, Fistula etc.
- It helps to improve intelligence, memory and longevity.
Features :
- Dabur Siddha Makardhwaj Special Tablet has following properties
- Anti-stress
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-ageing
- It acts as a Rejuvenator for health.
- It is tested.
- Gandhaka – Purified and processed Sulphur – 160 grams
- Parada – Purified and processed Mercury  – 80 grams
- Swarna Bhasma – Gold Bhasma – 40 grams
- Liver disorder
- Asthma
- Chest pain
- Chronic respiratory disorders
- Fatigue
- Indigestion
- Back ache
- Malaise
- Premature ejaculation
- Brain disorders
- Poor appetite
- Lung disorders
- Heart problems
- Intestine disorders
- Stomach ache
- Erectile dysfunction
- Sexual weakness
- Low immunity
- Loss of taste
- Low energy
- General debility
- Syphilis
- Deep seated abscesses
- Boils
This medicine is suitable for males and females both.
Diet :
Eat fresh and light food and avoid spicy, junk, cold and oily food.
Dosage :
Take this medicine twice a day with water or honey or milk whenever there is an any of the indications mentioned above or as prescribed by the doctor.
Do not take over dosage.
Direction for use :
Always consult the physician to prescribe this medicine if this Ayurvedic medicine best suits your condition.
Precautions :
- Always take this medicine after consulting a medical supervisor or under medical supervision.
- Store this medicine in a cool dry place.
- Do not take this medicine if you are allergic to its ingredients.
- Keep this medicine out of sight and reach of children.
- Always take this medicine only till the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner.
- Do not smoke and drink alcohol while taking this medicine.
- Do some exercise or yoga daily .
Safety information:-
Always read the label carefully before use in order to know the product in and out.
Product size-10 Tablets
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